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From upcoming Take Overs to our end-of-program launch events, our newsletter has it all! Check out our past additions for all things YTO... and subscribe to our mailing list at the bottom of the page.

We Took Over 2022!
As the year comes to a close, we have been reflecting on all the unique ways we have been able to work with young people across the Loddon Campaspe region. It's been epic... READ MORE

Taking Over as We Speak
The interns from Youth Take Over’s 'Design Your Own Streetwear Label' have dreamed up a new clothing line. This Saturday, we are introducing 'ambient streetwear,' the beginning of Castlemaine’s newest brand of local talent... READ MORE

Skills for Life
Take Overs model a workplace. So, instead of telling our interns what we expect from them, we ask them to write the rules. Our Streetwear crew decided it's important to give constructive feedback, be mindful of each other's feelings, and be kind. In simpler terms, be a good egg... READ MORE

Get the Experience You Need
This Take Over gives interns the chance to design a new label for Red Edge Wine, under the facilitation of Kira Hyde from The KH Studio. Early in the Take Over, the team met Red Edge founder, Peter Dredge, who shared his career adventure before delivering the design brief for the new Degree Shiraz wine label. And that was how they found out Peter has an affinity for the native Phascogales... READ MORE

Find the Job You Want
A successful launch, a big couple of months, we're ready. Are you?
Youth Take Over is well and truly up and running. If you know a young person ready to explore the world of work then read on... READ MORE

Virtual Launch
We’d like to invite you to come hear about our new project to create pathways to employment for young people into our growing industries.
Youth Take Over brings together services, employers, and resources to create short “courses”. Up to 10 young people work together on a project, culminating in a Take Over of an industry or event... READ MORE
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